"Show, don't tell" — 讓我的文字帶你深入其境。在加拿大生活了十年,直到一年前搬到英國愛丁堡攻讀我的第二個碩士學位。 英文寫作、文字潤飾及撰寫不僅是我的專業也是精神糧食。 我特別喜歡用充滿感情、抒情和詩意的語言講述不為人知的故事。 精雕細琢的文字,能觸動人心,讓人脊背發涼、淚流不止 — 你的故事值得被看見!
教育顧問和校對員 — C.U. 教育諮詢
志願校對員 — 國立台灣大學
獎學金申請書評估員 — 多倫多大學
英語老師 — Engoo/DMM Eikaiwa
英國大學心理健康憲章小組成員 — Student Minds
電商企劃 — 加拿大沃爾瑪
數位行銷副理 — Eurocharm Group
電子商務營銷和傳播 — 台灣 Yahoo!
創始人兼攝影師 — Iris Yu Photography
I am a graduate student in counselling, undertaking my second master's degree at the University of Edinburgh. As a writer, "show, don't tell" is more than a mantra but an embodied understanding. I am particularly interested in telling untold stories with evocative, lyrical and poetic words. Carefully crafted words can touch people profoundly, sending shivers down one's spine and evoking tears that would not stop — let me put your story into words!
Relevant Professional Highlights
- Educational Consultant & Proofreader at C.U. Consultancy
- Volunteer Proofreader at National Taiwan University
- Pearson Scholarship Assessor at the University of Toronto
- Trilingual Language Tutor at Engoo/DMM Eikaiwa
Other Professional Highlights
- University Mental Health Charter Panelist at Student Minds
- Support Worker at Lothian Centre For Inclusive Living
- Web Deployment Specialist at Walmart Canada
- Associate Manager, Digital Marketing at Eurocharm Group
- eCommerce Marketing and Communications Specialist at Yahoo! Taiwan
- Founder & Photographer at Iris Yu Photography
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— 我是一位經驗豐富的校對員,尤其是創意和學術論文。 除了在這裡提供我的服務外,我還為 C.U. 教育諮詢及國立台灣大學學者團隊潤稿。
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